'Rainbow of emotions' is a program offered to children (4+) through the year. It aims to give children a kick start to an emotionally healthy and grounded future by supporting them to better understand their feelings and develop tools to help them deal with their emotions. Every week children will learn how to name their emotions, recognise what’s happening to their bodies and work out the best ways of expressing those feelings in a healthy and appropriate way. Throughout the year children increase their self awareness and become more confident ,they learn how to regulate their motions and become more resilient. Summer term is all about getting ready for a big move to a primary school. Children practice how to be a good friend and develop their listening skills and learn how to be a great team player. Each class will start with a story, there will be arts and crafts activity followed by a mindfulness exercise.
Frequently asked questions about our workshops:
1.Where would the sessions take place?
The well-being one to one classes will take place on Saturdays at your home or in a group at a community centre, each session will last 45 minutes.
2. How much does this programme cost?
The cost of a 5 week well-being programme is £180 per child.
3.How many children per class? Is it COVID safe?
The maximum number of children taking part in the well-being classes is 5. Children will be encouraged to wash their hands before and after each session, social distancing will be observed, and no resource will be shared in line with COVID restrictions.
4.How do I book a place on a well-being course?
To book a place for your child just email well-rounded-kids@outlook.com