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Social emotional learning is for everybody!

Well-Rounded-Kids offers well-being and social communication programmes to further support children in looking after their emotional health and to develop their social skills.

Mental health plays a key role in a child's overall well-being and is as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into confident, happy and healthy adults. It also develops children's self confidence, high self-esteem and healthy emotional outlook on life.

Children with good mental health:

  • feel happy and positive about themselves most of the time
  • enjoy life
  • learn well
  • get on with their friends
  • can manage sad, worrying or angry feelings
  • are kind to themselves during tough times or when things don’t go the way they expect
  • are prepared to try new or challenging things

Happy minds = Happy kids!