Social-Communication Sessions

‘Social Learners’ is a programme offered to children ages between 4 to 8 years old with good language and understanding abilities. At Well-Rounded-Kids, we follow the Social Thinking® approach pioneered by Michelle Garcia Winner.

Social skills are vital in enabling individuals to have and maintain positive interactions with others, take prospective and play collaboratively . The concepts that children learn through the Well-Rounded-Kids social communication sessions are also essential to their academic success. Children learn the skills necessary to effectively share space with their peers, work well as a part of the group, build healthy relationships with others and follow instructions.


Core lessons include: 

  • Understanding how behaviours impact the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Reading nonverbal communication
  • Conversational skills including small talk and asking questions
  • Problem solving and negotiating
  • Emotional regulation and self-control
  • Being part of a group
  • Increasing flexibility
  • Understanding hidden social rules
  • Play skills or how to hang out

Frequently asked questions

1. Who are our Social Communication Classes for?

Children who struggle with:

Making and Keeping friends.

Understanding hidden social rules.

Recognising body language and emotions of others.

Working as part of a group and following instructions required at school, home and in the community.

2. How can my child benefit from our  Social Learners sessions? 

The main aim of our programme is for your child to:

Increase self-awareness and confidence.

Improve understanding of social rules and expected and unexpected behaviours.

Become better at making and keeping friends.

Develop resilience and ability to deal with everyday challenges in an appropriate way.

3. When and where?

I offer one to one social communication sessions on Saturdays in the morning at your home or in a group at a community centre.

4.How long are the sessions for?  

Each session last 40 minutes and is followed by a short discussion with parents. 

5.What are the fees?

The programme covers 10 key social communication concepts over 10 weeks and it runs in two 5 week slot sessions.

The cost of a 5 week Social Learner programme is £180 per child. Children can either attend for one-off-5 week block, or attend a full 10 week programme. The more classes a child partakes in, the more positive effect this will have, however there is still much benefit from just attending one 5 session block.

6.How do I book a place?

To book a place just email :